Additional Resources
If you are interested in learning more about the Stolen Generations, you might like to explore the following resources:
The Australia: A National overview factsheet provides a brief background to the policies and practices that authorised the removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families.
The Teaching about the Stolen Generations factsheet was developed by Narragunnawali and provides guidelines to support and assist teachers in teaching about the Stolen Generations in a respectful and appropriate way.

Narragunnawali: Reconciliation in Schools and Early Learning is a Reconciliation Australia program that supports schools and early learning services in Australia to develop environments that foster a higher level of knowledge and pride in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and contributions. Their online platform hosts a multitude of free classroom and professional learning

Marlee’s Mob is a comic story developed by the Healing Foundation and Inception Strategies to help children and young people better understand the ongoing affects of intergenerational trauma.

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Healing portal is an online hub for people working in the areas of healing, health, justice, education, employment, child protection and family violence.

Indigenous Community Stories and the Healing Foundation have recorded a series of Stolen Generations stories from Western Australia.

In response to the first recommendation of the Bringing them Home report, the National Library of Australia conducted the Bringing them Home Oral History Project.

Find & Connect provides information about Australian orphanages, children’s homes and other institutions to which children, both Indigenous and non-Indigenous, were removed.

The National Archives of Australia’s Forced Adoptions History Project seeks to increase awareness and understanding of forced adoptions. Many members of the Stolen Generations were fostered and adopted without the consent of their families.

The Stolen Generations’ Testimonies project has recorded the stories of dozens of members of the Stolen Generations.

In 2015, the National Sorry Day Committee released its Bringing them home: scorecard report 2015, which provided an update of the status of the implementation of recommendations made by the Bringing them Home report.

The Healing Foundation has developed a series of classroom resources to support learning about the Stolen Generations in the early years, primary school and secondary school.

Bringing them Home 20 Years On is the Healing Foundation’s plan of action for continuing to meet the needs and rights of members of the Stolen Generations and their families.

Servant Or Slave tells the story of five Aboriginal women who, like many members of the Stolen Generations, were forced into domestic servitude as young girls. SBS Learn has developed a series of teaching resources to assist teachers to use the documentary in their classroom.

First Footprints is an ABC documentary series that explores how the first Australians adapted, migrated, fought and created in dramatically changing environments on the Australian continent.

The AIATSIS map of Indigenous Australia is an attempt to represent the language, tribal or nation groups of the Aboriginal peoples of Australia. It is important to be aware that the information on which the map is based is contested and may not be agreed to by some traditional custodians.

Reconciliation South Australia has developed a number of ‘Education Packs’ for teachers to use in their classrooms. They include links to the Australian Curriculum.

The Little Red Yellow Black book and website were developed by Bruce Pascoe and the Australian Institute for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies to provide an introduction to the history and culture of Indigenous Australians. The website includes a section for educators with curriculum links and recommended activities.

Marnti warajanga is a Museum of Australian Democracy travelling exhibition in association with Wangka Maya Pilbara Aboriginal Language Centre and photographer Tobias Titz. It explores the struggle for equality, self-determination and financial independence for people from the Pilbara.