Professional Learning
The resources on this page have been designed to provide guidance around teaching about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures in an appropriate and respectful way.

Narragunnawali: Reconciliation in Schools and Early Learning is a Reconciliation Australia program that supports schools and early learning services in Australia to develop environments that foster a higher level of knowledge and pride in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and contributions.
Narragunnawali’s professional learning resources can help to build staff awareness and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures, and contributions, and to support the implementation of reconciliation initiatives. Each resource is linked to the National Quality Standard (early learning) and the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (primary and secondary) and aligns with Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) Actions.
The Teaching about the Stolen Generations was developed by Narragunnawali and provides guidelines to support and assist teachers in teaching about the Stolen Generations in a respectful and appropriate way.
Cultural Safety and Respect in the Classroom is a Narragunnawali resource that encourages school staff to consider scenarios, evaluate policies and principles and consider how cultural safety could further be promoted within the wider school or early learning service community.
For guidance on using language and terminology that is inclusive and respectful of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, refer to Narragunnawali’s Terminology Guide.